Overwhelmed with getting stuck
in the same pattern?

The pandemic forced everyone to slow down and exposed some unhealthy habits. Now we are back into the full swing of things…along with increased stress trying to keep up. Bleh!

Now you are either distracted by what happened in the past or worried about the future.

As much as you talk to friends, go to church and scroll looking for the right answers (or a way to numb) – you haven’t found the relief you are looking for.

It’s time to stop surviving
and start thriving.

You have an opportunity to choose something different. You do not have to stay in a place exhausting your mind, body and spirit.

Rise Up Therapy Can Help

Life is hard. Circumstances are out of our control.

Yet there is joy, hope and peace to be experienced in an intimate connection with Jesus.

(Romans 5:1-5) (Ephesians 2:4-5)

Believing those things does not always mean we feel those things to be true.

If you are tired of feeling out of control and without a voice in relationships… I can help you navigate healthy boundaries.

If you are the parent of a hurting child or teen and feel at a loss of how to help them… I can help you both to heal and grow.

If you experienced a stressful situation… I can help you try to understand how to move forward.

Hello, I’m Katie Romeo

Founder of Rise Up Therapy

What brought you here? Something is driving you to pursue change. I would love to help!

Rise Up Therapy is professional therapy, offering a gospel-centered perspective. This is a place where therapy does not have to be separate from your faith, as little or big as that might feel right now.

Always met right where you are. You are safe here.

Have a look around. See which service is for you.

More About Me

You Know You’re Ready for Therapy if:

  • You’ve tried to make things better, but it’s not enough.
  • You are motivated to play an active role in counseling and your life.
  • You are tired of feeling confused, overwhelmed, & stuck.
  • You are willing to manage your time, money, and energy to pursue transformation.

How I Can Help You




Child & Teen




Clinical Offerings