Why do I still feel stuck?

Everyone has painful experiences – it’s part of being human. Sometimes these events develop patterns of thinking and behaving we wish we could change.

And the way our brains and bodies were designed, we can easily become “triggered.” Meaning that the pain can surface in the present moment, even if the event was many years ago. Unfortunately the saying, “Time heals all wounds,” is not necessarily true.

Do I need EMDR therapy?

When problems persist over time, we become ingrained and trained to keep following the same path. Healing can require more than talk therapy or learning new strategies.

We learn how to intellectually rationalize our way through stressful and painful moments, but the impact on our minds and bodies is still there. The damage is already done.

The good news – our bodies were made to be transformed so that those same memories do not have the same impact. EMDR is one tool that can help with that.

What exactly is EMDR?

(Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

EMDR is an evidenced-based therapy that can help accelerate change where traditional talk therapies can require years for similar results.

Although it is not a magic wand! It still takes time and energy to pursue transformation after living for years with the same issues.

Utilizing this tool means first gathering history about your life and helping you to understand the 8-Phase process of EMDR. Eventually, the negative beliefs we have about ourselves are targeted to release that stuck energy to allow a positive belief to replace it.

This process is based on extensive scientific tests on how our right and left sides of the brain work together, as well as the effects trauma has on our brain and nervous system that wires our bodies.
EMDR is essentially like renovating and rewiring an old house to be more energy efficient and not a fire safety risk!

Does it have to be a really big trigger?

EMDR can help with any trigger, small or large. It can slow your reactions to your family’s frustrating behavior. It can help kiddos to become less reactive and glass-half-empty. And, of course, it can also help the parent to become less reactive to their children.

Often, it is used to help process through childhood trauma, ranging from something common like growing up with a critical parent to as severe as having had an abusive or distant parent.

It can help improve continued patterns of negative thoughts that typically stem from a single event or series of events. Additionally victims of any kind of assault, car accidents, medical trauma and abuse will all find immense benefits as well. Professionals in the medical field, first responders, and mental health clinicians are at-risk for secondary trauma and can also utilize EMDR to prevent burnout.

EMDR can help you make sure that your emotional reactions are in the present moment and not weighed down with years of historical emotion from one of our triggers.

What problems can EMDR help with?

Scientific research has established EMDR as effective for post-traumatic stress. However, clinicians have also reported success using EMDR in treatment of the following conditions:

  • Panic attacks
  • Grief
  • Disturbing memories
  • Phobias
  • Chronic Pain
  • Performance anxiety
  • Stress reduction
  • Addiction
  • Sexual and/or Physical abuse

If you are interested in gaining some relief, call or text me today at (512) 599-7803.
