Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the office located?
8705 Shoal Creek Blvd.
Suite #108
Austin, TX 78757
What are your fees?

Fees are dependent upon the length of the session, and I am happy to discuss fees on the free initial phone consultation.

Do you accept insurance?

In general, I do not work with insurance companies. I am considered “out-of-network.” Insurance companies are challenging and disruptive to the therapeutic process. I have found that the limitations and consulting required lessens the quality of therapy I can provide. Often insurance companies require an actual diagnosis with a mental health disorder.

However, if you would like to seek reimbursement on your own, I am happy to provide a super bill with the necessary information. Sliding scale is offered with some designated time slots for low-income households.

How do I pay?

Before the first scheduled session, you will need to complete the informed consent online and provide a card number to keep on file. That card will be charged after each session. Cash is also accepted, but there is not always change available.

What is the cancellation policy?

As the industry standard, appointments must be canceled 24 hours prior to the session or the full fee will be charged. Monday appointments must be canceled by the Friday before. In the case of an emergency such as immediate sickness or inclement weather alert, there is no charge for cancellation.

What do I do to get started? How do I make an appointment?

Feel free to fill out the contact form or call the number provided for the free initial phone consult. I will schedule the first appointment once intake information is completed online. Often clients that are attending weekly sessions have a “spot” that is designated for them at the same time each week to insure consistency.

What is a free initial phone consultation?

In therapy, we often talk about having a good “fit” with the therapist and services offered. A 15-minute phone conversation gives me the opportunity to learn more information about what you are looking for and if I have the skills best suited through asking specific questions. This time is not used as session but as a step to decide moving forward toward a session.

Similar to seeing a doctor, you might not have gone back because you didn’t like his/her style. We want to avoid that happening if possible so that you can start counseling with the right person. It also gives you the opportunity to ask questions not found here. We will then set up our first appointment if moving forward with therapy. If there is a different skill set that I think would be helpful for what you are looking for, I will happily send you referrals.

How long is a typical session?

Most sessions are 45-50 minutes (45 for play therapy). EMDR sessions can be effective/productive in longer 80 minutes. If you are feeling adventurous we can discuss even longer intensive EMDR sessions more spread out over time.

Is it like in the movies where you are going to just ask the whole time, “And how do you feel?” while I lay on a couch?

Not the WHOLE time. Knowing how you feel at times is important, but there are many other things we might focus on and different questions I might ask. You can kick back on the couch if that’s comfy for you, but definitely not required!

What if I cry in session?

Then it will be an encouraging and natural response of the body releasing stress and pain. There will be tissues available or comic relief if needed!

Are you going to throw the Bible at me?

No, I prefer to throw a football if given the opportunity! You get to decide if you want scripture, prayer, and discussion about God involved in your sessions.