There’s Hope For Healing

Mind, Body & Spirit with Gospel-Centered Therapy

Austin, TX

You are tired of the same old patterns

It seems like you have tried everything. You have tried everything and don’t know what else to do. There seems to be improvement for a few days, and then you find yourself right back to the beginning.

Relationships are suffering. Emotions are running every direction. It feels like this has been going on since you can remember, and you aren’t even sure where it all came from.

What is gospel-centered therapy?

Gospel-centered therapy is just that, clinically informed counseling that is centered on our identity in Christ and what that means for our lives here on earth.

We are able to consider the whole person and know there are different therapy modalities best utilized and achieved from this perspective.

Together, we can identify the root issues that have affected how you or your loved one is currently feeling and acting. You get to choose how much or how little you want to involve talking about God, scripture and prayer in your sessions.

There is healing and growth to be found through the gospel. Rise Up Therapy allows the gospel to be a part of your counseling journey, and not something else for you to figure out on your own. All ages are welcome at Rise Up Therapy.

Areas gospel-centered therapy has helped others:

  • Clarifying direction in life decisions & transitions
  • Healing from traumatic events
  • Increasing connection in families
  • Grieving a significant loss
  • Strengthening relationship with Jesus
  • Stabilizing anxiety and depression
  • Building healthy relationships with boundaries

Take that next step for find yourself

I would love to hear from you to talk about how we could work together. You can call me at (512) 599-7803 or fill out the contact form to learn more.

Meeting with a new therapist can feel overwhelming, so take advantage of the free 15-minute phone consultation I offer.